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Wealth Management

How Long will Your Money Last?

By February 1, 2018No Comments

The big question when it comes to retirement is, “How much money am I going to need?” With all of the advanced education and strategy tools available, it is still often difficult to understand the difference between what you can save for retirement and what is needed to retire. Sometimes, it is helpful to see what your account can actually provide over the course of your retirement. It can also help you set an achievable goal.


Monthly income for 10 years1

Monthly income for 20 years1

Monthly income for lifetime of individual and spouse2





























The monthly incomes are hypothetical and not intended to project the performance of any specific investment or insurance product.

¹Payment increases 2% annually to help offset effects of inflation. Illustrative amounts based on 3.5% interest rate. Lifetime payments assume retirement age of 65. Based on 5.5% annual yield compounded monthly. Investment option performance can dramatically affect these numbers. Inflation can also seriously affect the value of the withdrawals. Rate of return is hypothetical and does not represent any specific investment option or imply guaranteed results. Amounts shown do not reflect the impact of taxes on earnings, your actual return will vary depending on your investment option and your tax bracket.

²Lifetime payments assume start at age 65 over two lives, Joint and Survivor at 100% survivor benefit and 3% COLA. Analytics provided by MassMutual.

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